The Black Dragon Fighting Society was founded by American Martial Arts pioneer Count Juan Raphael Dante in the late 1960's. In 1975, Count Dante promoted William V Aguiar to Supreme Grandmaster (10th Dan) (turning over all rights to Black Dragon Fighting Society.
In 2005, upon SG Aguiar's passing and at his request, his son William Aguiar III became Supreme Grandmaster (10th Dan) of the House of Dante (inheriting the Black Dragon Fighting Society). This WWW.BLACKDRAGONFIGHTINGSOCIETY.ORG , Is the authentic organization website of the legendary REAL "Black Dragon Fighting Society" as founded by Count Dante aka John Kehan and William Aguiar jr. and William Aguiar III.
Second Addition Book to Count Dantes Martial Arts System.
Revised by Wiliam Aguiar
Get the Most And no doubt the most savage and terrifying self-defense form know the man worlds deadliest fighting secrets deadliest man alive
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